Wednesday, March 9, 2016

When you treat that one person as your first option, but he treat you as his last option. #LOL

Bad day.

It's thursday night. I'm working tomorrow. Morning shift zzz. I was supposed to sleep right now, but, I can't. I woke up at 9am yesterday and I did'nt even feel sleepy at all. Wow. Kan best masa zaman spm dulu mata aku segar camni. Senang sikit nak belajar.

Yesterday was a bad day. I knew this thing would happen. I knew they'll get together. You're waaaaaaaay out of my league. She's waaaaaaaaay perfect than me. Ya Allah, what was I thinking? He does'nt even know about my existence. I'm just one of his 17.4k followers on twitter.

But, I know he's not for me. Obvious kot. One by one benda yang jadi, semua berlaku depan mata. It's like Allah nak tunjuk yang he's not for me. He was made for her. Not me. From those tweets to that weird dream. Takpa la, at least I'm ready to lose him. Or am I?

Life is so unfair. I don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I'm excited to figure it out.

Yeke excited??? HAHAHA doakan I korang supaya I boleh lalui everyday with positivity vibes all the waaaay!!!!1!!!1!!!

Don't forget to follow me on my social media(S) if you're excited to figure out my next adventure!

Monday, March 7, 2016

"Because people arent lists."

So I was browsing my tumblr this morning and I found this short article about people who want some type in their partner/soulmate. After i read it, I think I finally have found the answer to my friends' question which are "kau suka lelaki yang camna?" or "apa ciri-ciri lelaki idaman kau?". Tbh, everytime my friends asked me this ques, I dont know how to answer it bcs mostly I dont know what kind of guy yang I suka. Bcs if I like that person, I like him because of him. Himself. Not because of his hair or his body or his taste in fashion. I like him because of him. I love him because of him. So, whenever my friends asking me with that type of question, I'll just told them that people arent lists and we cant expect anything from them because they're just human, like us.

And I'm still searching for my soulmate. Jodoh, awak katne tuuu? 👀